Acoustic sequencerЦИТ-Нано / CIT-Nano / Researches / Perspective researches Acoustic sequencer is designed for rapid DNA sequencing (determining the primary nucleotide sequence) isolated from biological material. The main advantages of the device are the high rate of sequencing, low cost, ability to work both in laboratory and field conditions. Laboratory specimen of acoustic sequencer
Acoustic sequencer has no analogues to date on the principle of operation and parameters either in Russia or abroad. The main advantages are low cost of the sequencer (about 1 mln.), Low cost and availability of reagents (standard reagents for the PCR reaction costs 30 rubles), a high reading speed (up to 100 base pairs per second), easy of maintenance (the device works in fully automatic data acquisition mode,), which is highly relevant for work in areas of infection, clinics, etc. The number of stages of sample preparation for one sample analysis is reduced to 1 stage, and the total time, including sample preparation and sequencing—to 1 pm. Analogues
In Russia, the sequencers are not available, and similar foreign units have cost tens of million rubles, have low speed (one sample of DNA with length of 1000 bp is decrypting automatically about 1 hour,), the cost of consumables over 600 rubles for the sequencing of the 1000 bp. They also requires complex and expensive procedure for the DNA fragments preparation (an average procedure has 5 stages ) occupies a considerable amount of time (1000 pn least 6 hours).
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